'Hello I have won a giveaway from my favourite youtuber Josie from Fashion Mumblr on her Best Friday Deals 50 handbags giveaway!I am doing the unboxing of what I won and also I picked up another handbag as I loved it!Please subscribe to Josies channel! Fashion Mumblr channel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1tVODoV1YY&t=415s Katie Loxton website not affiliated:https://katieloxton.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAhreNBhAYEiwAFGGKPMpnWZ5joEkJs1WEa-d25rCgKhNk0McAXNcMySeLVx7dHIXSkiWkmRoCDhAQAvD_BwE
Tags: Giveaway winner , katie loxton london , katie loxton unboxing , katie loxton handbag , katie loxton alyce crossbody bag , fashion mumblr giveaway black friday
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